FDIC Signage & Advertising Update
News, Compliance
FDIC, Desk Signage

FDIC Extends Compliance Deadline for Updated Signage and Advertising Rules

In a move aimed at supporting financial institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has extended the compliance deadline for its new signage and advertising regulations. Originally set for January 1, 2025, the new deadline is now May 1, 2025, specifically for Part 328, Subpart A of the final rule. This extension allows banks and other financial entities extra time to implement the necessary processes and systems associated with the updated regulations. 

Banks Get Extra Time to Adapt to FDIC’s New Regulations 

The decision to extend the deadline was made after carefully considering feedback from banks and other participants in the banking industry. The FDIC explained that some institutions would benefit from additional time to meet the new requirements. 

These rules mandate the use of official FDIC signage, both physical and digital, as well as the establishment of written policies and procedures for compliance. This includes the display of the official FDIC sign at bank branches, ATMs, and on digital platforms, ensuring that customers have clear access to information about their deposits and the safety measures in place. 

The FDIC Sign: A Symbol of Security for Generations 

Since the 1930s, the iconic black and gold FDIC sign has served as a beacon of confidence for depositors, assuring them that their funds are secure. As banking continues to evolve, however, the FDIC is adapting to meet the needs of consumers who now have a range of options for managing their finances. 

The revisions to the rule reflect this evolution, extending the familiarity and assurance of the FDIC sign to digital channels, such as bank websites and mobile apps. 

FDIC Prioritizes Transparency & Security with New Regulations 

Along with the compliance extension, the new regulations introduce a sleek blackandnavyblue FDIC official digital sign, which banks must display prominently on their websites and mobile platforms. This digital signage will help customers recognize the bank’s insured status while navigating their banking needs online. 

A Modern Look for Digital Banking: The New FDIC Sign
Black and Navy FDIC Digital Sign

FDIC Mandates New Digital Signage for Banks 

The final rule not only updates the display requirements for digital channels but also modernizes signage for physical bank locations to better reflect contemporary banking designs. As financial institutions prepare to implement these changes, the FDIC’s commitment to promoting transparency and consumer protection remains stronger than ever. 

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