Advertising Policy

At Banking+, we value transparency and integrity in all our interactions with readers and advertisers. To this end, we refer to our advertisers as “Content Patrons” to reflect their support and partnership. This Advertising Policy outlines the types of advertising packages we offer and the guidelines we follow to ensure that sponsored content is clearly identified and distinguished from our editorial content.

Advertising Packages

  1. Standard Advertising
    • Site Ads: Banner ads, sidebar ads, and other placements on our website.
    • E-Blasts: Advertisements included in our email newsletters sent to subscribers.
  2. Sponsored Content
    • Content Creation by Employees: Our employees may create sponsored articles, which will be labeled as “Content Patron” content. These articles are written about or on behalf of Content Patrons and are integrated into our news feed.
    • Content Patron-Generated Content: Content created by the Content Patron can be submitted to our editorial team for review and editing. Once approved, this content will be labeled as “Content Patron” and included in our news feed.
    • Sponsored Features: Content Patrons may sponsor specific articles or series of articles created by our employees. These will also be labeled as “Content Patron.”

Editorial Independence and Integrity

  • Labeling: All consumable content that involves any form of payment or sponsorship from Content Patrons will be clearly labeled as “Content Patron.” This labeling ensures our readers are aware of the nature of the content they are consuming.
  • Editorial Oversight: All content, whether created by our employees or submitted by Content Patrons, is subject to our editorial standards and guidelines. Our editors will ensure that sponsored content maintains the quality and integrity our readers expect.

Guidelines for Sponsored Content

  1. Transparency: We believe in complete transparency with our readers. Therefore, all sponsored content will be explicitly labeled to distinguish it from our editorial content.
  2. Relevance and Value: Sponsored content should provide value to our readers and be relevant to our audience’s interests and needs.
  3. Accuracy and Fairness: Sponsored content must adhere to our standards of accuracy and fairness. Our editorial team will review and edit content to ensure it meets these standards.

Contact Information

For inquiries about our advertising packages or to become a Content Patron, please contact our advertising team at or 215-439-1877.


We appreciate the support of our Content Patrons and are committed to maintaining the trust of our readers through clear, transparent, and high-quality content. This Advertising Policy helps us achieve this balance by ensuring that all sponsored content is appropriately labeled and meets our editorial standards.